
恭喜東風破的here to stay拿到香港金像獎的最佳原創電影歌曲!キタタタタタタタ━━━(((((゚(゚(゚(((゚゚∀∀゚゚)))゚)゚)゚)))))━━━!!!!!!

這首Lovely Smile也超好聽,可惜不是原創~不然應該會拿獎!

官恩娜在電影中自彈自唱的after you've gone

1927年bessie smith唱的after you've gone
(並非最早原唱,最早的原唱是1918Marion Harris 的版本,有興趣可以去找來聽聽。

Now won't you listen dearie while I say,
how could you tell me that you're goin' away?
Don't say that we must part, don't break my aching heart
You know I've loved you truly many years, loved you night and day
How can you leave me, can't you see my tears?
Listen while I say
After you've gone, and left me crying
After you've gone, there's no denying
You'll feel blue, you'll feel sad
You'll miss the dearest pal you've ever had
There'll come a time, now don't forget it
There'll come a time, when you'll regret it
Some day, when you grow lonely
You heart will break like mine and you'll want me only
After you've gone, after you've gone away
After I'm gone, after we break up
After I'm gone, you're gonna wake up
You will find, you were blind
To let somebody come and change your mind
After the years, we've been together
Their joy and tears all kinds of weather
Someday, blue and downhearted
You'll long to be with me right back where you started
After I'm gone, after I'm gone away 

bessie smith - after you've gone - 1927

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